Feb. 6, 2024

The Importance of Empathetic Leadership: Business Success Redefined

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The Bliss Business Podcast

Explore with us the importance of empathetic leadership, in this episode of The Bliss Business Podcast.

This episode, powered by real-world insights and data, argues that empathetic leadership isn't just about emotional intelligence; it's a strategic advantage for sustainable business growth and a key to redefining organizational success.

Join us for a thought-provoking journey into the heart of effective leadership.


Resources for data points discussed in the show

Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover:

A survey by EY Consulting revealed that 90% of US workers believe empathetic leadership leads to higher job satisfaction, and 79% agree it decreases employee turnover. This suggests that empathetic leadership is not just a desirable trait but also a practical tool for enhancing employee retention and satisfaction in the workplace. Source: https://www.ey.com/en_us/news/2021/09/ey-empathy-in-business-survey

Loyalty and Retention:

The same EY survey found that 88% of respondents feel empathetic leadership creates loyalty among employees toward their leaders. Moreover, over half of the survey's participants had left a previous job due to a lack of empathy from their bosses, either in their work struggles (54%) or personal lives (49%). Source: https://www.ey.com/en_us/news/2021/09/ey-empathy-in-business-survey

Work-Life Balance, Diversity, and Inclusion:

According to Catalyst, empathetic senior leaders significantly contribute to employees feeling better able to maintain work-life balance (86% with empathetic leaders vs. 60% with less empathetic bosses). Empathetic leadership is also crucial in supporting diversity and inclusion initiatives. For example, 62% of women of color with empathetic leaders felt their life circumstances were respected, leading to a lower likelihood of considering leaving their organization. Sources: https://www.catalyst.org/reports/empathy-work-strategy-crisis/ https://www.catalyst.org/media-release/empathic-leaders-drive-employee-engagement-and-innovation-media-release/

Innovation and Business Success: 

A study from Nielsen discovered that empathy leads to a higher likelihood of innovation and success in business. For instance, successful launches of fast-moving consumer goods were often linked to cognitive empathy, enabling a better understanding of customers. Source: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/empathy-mapping/

Employee Retention and Business Outcomes:

Businessolver found that 83% of employees would consider leaving their current organization for a similar role at a more empathetic organization. Additionally, 84% of CEOs believe empathy is key to producing positive business outcomes. Source: https://www.businessolver.com/workplace-empathy/

According to a study by the Center for Creative Leadership, empathy is one of the strongest drivers of effective leadership. Leaders who demonstrate empathy have more committed and satisfied employees. Source: https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/empathy-in-the-workplace-a-tool-for-effective-leadership/

Research from the University of California Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center found that leaders who demonstrate empathy toward employees can increase employee engagement by up to 39%. Source: https://ggsc.berkeley.edu/who_we_serve/workplace_leaders

A study published in the Journal of Business Ethics looked at over 1,000 leaders and found that those who exhibited more empathetic behaviors had employees who were more productive, more satisfied, more committed and less likely to leave their jobs. Data from Catalyst research shows that among Fortune 500 companies, those with higher representation of women board directors financially outperform those with lower representation by 53% on return on equity, 42% on return on sales and 66% on invested capital. Researchers attribute this in part to the tendency for women leaders to utilize an empathetic leadership style. A global survey of over 1,000 employees by Businessolver found that nearly 60% of employees would stay longer at a company that authentically cares about their mental health and wellbeing. Empathetic leaders who care for the whole employee can improve retention. Research by Gartenberg, Prat and Serafeim published in Harvard Business Review looked at over 1,800 publicly traded companies globally over 11 years. They found that the companies with more women leaders significantly outperformed others on ROE, demonstrating the power of empathetic leadership at scale. Source: https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=54523